Awards and Recipients

Financial Executives International (FEI) is the premier association for CFO’s and other

senior financial executives in the United States and Canada.

Kory Glen

AIT Worldwide Logistics, Inc.

Kory Glen joined AIT Worldwide Logistics as the company’s Chief Financial Officer in 2017 with nearly two decades of experience serving as a financial leader for companies in the construction, professional services and real estate sectors. His extensive expertise includes debt and equity capital transactions, financial reporting and operating metrics. Prior to joining AIT, Glen served as the Chief Financial Officer for a publicly traded construction equipment rental business. He also worked for an S&P 500 residential Real Estate Investment Trust and began his career in public accounting with Ernst & Young LLP.

In addition to being a certified public accountant, Glen has a Bachelor of Science degree in accountancy from Northern Illinois University. He lives in the Chicago area with his wife and two children. Outside of work, he gives back his time by volunteering with his children’s sports organizations and his church.

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